This was so beautiful and a much needed reminder for me. God Bless You and your family and Thank You for all that you have done for countless people with your channel.

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Prayer is often such a commonplace item in the lives of many to such a degree that it becomes invisible in the mind when moments of urgency occur. I was brought up to believe in the power of prayer. God bless my stepmother, she was sold along with her sisters from a young age to feed drug habits of her mother. By the time she was caring for me she had a deep sense of faith and credited her life and health to God. She truly captivated my imagination and instilled in me a trust in God, purpose of our paths, and faith. This all while she was physically and emotionally abusive and, in a tragic turn of events, lost her best friend to cancer and I watched as she poured her faith and prayers into the resurrection of he dearly departed friend, even going so far as to excitedly pack a bath robe for the funeral as she fully expected her friend to be reborn and her new body would be unclothed, this did not happen and she never spoke of the incident again. She truly had faith like a child and before this had even promoted me to pray for the resurrection of my dead hamster, which I did for 3 days, keeping the dead hamster in my shirt pocket and praying incessantly. My father was livid and a bit horrified when he come home from out of town to find the situation and promptly encouraged me to bury my hamster and got me another. I prayed long after their marriage dissolved and my father moved us to another country and went from baptist reverend to atheist, thankfully that was just a rebellious phase but despite not having had a miracle against the odds I continue to pray today because I see myself and many of us here, awakened, as a divine miracle. I have just continually believed that, much like enduring love, prayer and the relationship with God is not a fanciful dalliance but a long and steady tapestry woven a little each day. My path has been marked by stoicism and a rather strong streak of fearlessness that has allowed my prayer to take on a different quality, having left red handprints and even screams from other people from holding my hands towards them in prayer. It's not often I pray for anything specific, moreso that I lend my voice to God as an instrument of his will or to offer my thanks and gratitude for the amazing journey we are all on. I hope that we can all reevaluate the relationship we have with prayer and be willing to see it in a lens of empowered communication and a living bridge across our world to the mantle of the divine.

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Beautiful... We must always remember to give the glory to GOD. He is the Healer......people are his hands and feet on earth...doing HIS work.....Glory to GOD..... He does choose special people to be HIS warriors and that is an honor to them. But, those people with that gift must thank God for all the gifts He blesses them with...thank u for sharing your heart with us...

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Really glad I read this today. Thank you.

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MK, it's so sincere and beautiful... I'm crying... Thank you for everything ! May God bless you and your family !

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God bless you MK, you are truly an inspiration to all. My prayers will be with you and your family tonight. 👍🏻

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We’re heart warming

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Thank you...your words today made a difference in my life. May the blessings you send out to others come back to you a thousand times over. Much love from Ohio.

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Thank You !!!

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That was just beautiful! Thank you!

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Love this. Thank you. It's always good to remember that real miracles are happening every day. Pax-C

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I am a better person for having you and your channel in my life. Thank you for all you do for us.

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So beautiful, may your family be blessed. My husband is coming around, seeing the spiritual woman he married has many blessings.

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we always need reminders of what is really important in life.

Prayer is very powerful. I believe the most powerful prayer for a child is from the mother or

father. God listens to those first.

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