The number one reason I like this article so much is that it is not written in “Christianese”, as which most information on prophecy is written. I’ve been a Christian since 1980 and am now 71 years old, and I grew up as a Christian in a culture that highly valued the prophetic, yet most people I’ve known in that movement would be in that group chasing after prophetic people or wanting a word from someone. Only now am I see seeing more people who are wanting to pursue a contemplative lifestyle in seeking after knowing God more deeply, in pursing hearing God for themselves.

My husband is what I call a prophetic as he’s heard things from God that have come to pass, and usually accompanied by a numinous experience of the Presence of God. He had a powerful visitation from God in 1983 in which he sensed in a very profound and life-changing way that “Christianity was going to change its understanding of itself.”Since then been seeking after understanding what that means and he may have landed on the crux of the matter, maybe not. We’re in the midst of a change for sure. There are many more examples of his fulfilled prophecies, some quite current. All that to say that I believe a lot of what you spoke about in your article reflect that change. The holistic approach to interrelationship between spirit, soul and body. The therapeutic approach becoming more spiritual in nature, like the Eastern Orthodox Theosis. The centrality of transformation in our spiritual walk with Christ. Thank you for your honest and insightful discussion of these very pertinent topics, we need to hear more young, wise and indeed prophetic voices like yours at this crucial time in history.

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Sep 6Liked by MK

Prophecy is in the bible for a reason and the book of Revelation says those who hear or read it will blessed

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Sep 6Liked by MK

I prefer not to look behind the curtains of reality unless I have a serious inquiry of my own, which is truly rare in the last half decade or so. Having peace, faith and trust allows me to be more focused on being present and enjoying each day as if it could be my last. Not too long ago my husband had a interaction with the spirit of my deceased sister siding her message to me was 42 and the next day just so happened to be exposed to a Neil deGrasse Tyson article detailing an asteroid that was going to be coming so close to Earth that it would have a chance of getting flung into an orbit that would bring it back to Earth and creating a collision some years after; the total sum of those years being 11 years which is when I would be 42. I spontaneously thought that if this meant 42 would be the age I would reach before I would be reunited with my sister I had a lot of peace about the idea of it and spent the morning thinking about how much richness, joy, pleasure and beauty my family could achieve in 11 years and left it at that. Being aware of the vastness of time/space is like being aware of the oceans: at any place or moment you could find a death thrash from a orca pod or shark, or horrendous unsurvivable storm, a peaceful lapping coastline, a quiet and near event less abyss. We just need to learn how best to be where and when we are without so much fretting and complaint, as this just bastardizes the ego out of balance. The light side and dark side of the force are never about purity and lack purity but about selflessness and selfishness. Whatever tomorrow brings I'll be there or I won't be, same for everyone else. Whole have leanings towards a particular future can influence our actions of today there's truly no one out there that knows more than we each are capable of knowing if we can still and steel ourselves to the truth.

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Yours is a very uniquely accurate description of reaching the prophetic connection with Him. Very well done, Sir. Of course the goal is that the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh, that of all the gifts, the gift of prophecy is the one we should all desire. Being a prophet and using prophecy are different, so the pressure is off! The connection is the destination! You are a blessing to many, MK! 👑

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I’m in my 50’s and definitely have a lot of sadness & regret (fear not so much). Been carrying around this burden for much of my life, feels like it’s become a part of my personality. I’ve wanted to shake it, and at times have made strides, but keeps returning to my default. Any advice on how to clear this?

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Patience & Faith bro. I feel it too. Thank you

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